How does online tutoring work?
Before we start with the tutoring, I will assess your child to see what specific areas your child needs help with then once we agreed to move forward with tutoring, the lessons to follow will address those problem areas.
Tutoring online is much like teaching in a classroom or tutoring face to face.
All that is needed is
1. A tutor
2. A student
3. A whiteboard and pen.
4. A few resources and materials which are provided by the tutor
We meet through video conferencing which is easy to set up.
Online tutoring really is a simple and efficient way of tutoring more especially because I have more tools and resources at my disposal to better help your child.
How much tutoring will my child need?
This all depends on the problems your child is facing and what would be best for your child.
You may decide to hire me on a short term basis because there is only one specific area in math your child fell behind on or you may decide to hire me on a more long term basis.
Whatever the case may be, the duration your child and I will be working together will yield much better results in a shorter space of time then if your child had lessons at a tutoring agency that tutors multiple children at a time.
How much do you charge for tutoring online?
To find out how much I charge, please reach out to me on my “Contact Me” page and I will be more than happy to share my rates.
What math curriculums do you tutor?
My ultimate goal is for your child to understand mathematics, not just one specific curriculum. As a result, I tutor children from all over the world, regardless of the curriculum they use.
Each lesson will be tailored to the individual needs of your child.
Here are a few FAQ’s that have been asked about the online course.
What is the course all about?
To understand math well, your child needs to understand what I like to call the principles of mathematics, therefore, this self-study course teaches children what principles are and how to find them when studying mathematics.
The course does not teach children mathematics. For example, this course will not be teaching your child about fractions, equations or any math concepts. They can find this information at school and anywhere on the internet in various forms. Instead, this math course will be teaching your child how to digest all the material they are taught so they can fully understand all parts of mathematics. It will be teaching your child the study skills they need to do well in mathematics.
If your child does their best to apply all the information in the course, their understanding of mathematics as well as their grades in mathematics will improve and their love for the subject will grow.
How much does the course cost?
To find out how much the course costs, please reach out to me on my “Contact Me” page and I will be more than happy to share my rates.
Is your course specific to a math curriculum?
No. The information in this course can be applied by all children regardless of the curriculum they are taught.